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  • MONDAY 17.2.25
    SHAUN (HUNN), KELLY (REED) + IAN'S (MARTIN) BIRTHDAY WORKOUT!!! IN PAIRS AMRAP 37 MINS 18 devils presses 22.5 / 15 kg 20 synchro toes to bar 32 box jumps 30 / 24 " 33 handstand push ups 37 calories row / Echo / ski erg / bike erg alternate machines each round
  • Tuesday
    A - SNATCH COMPLEX squat snatch, hang squat snatch + 2overhead squats build to a max 15 mins B - 3 ROUNDS 5 squat snatche 60 / 42.5 kg 10 bar muscle ups 100 double unders time cap - 15 mins
  • Wednesday
    A - BACK SQUAT 1 rep max 20 mins B - AMRAP 15 MINS 80 wall ball shots 9 / 6 kg 60 chest to bar pull ups 40 deadlifts 102.5 / 70 kg 20 wall walks
  • Thursday
    A - STRCIT BARBELL OVERHEAD PRESS 5 sets 2 reps 88-93% 1 rep max warm up 8 mins lifting every 3 mins B - amrap 20 mins 15 handstand push ups 20m DBL DB walking lunges 22.5 / 15 kg 15 toes to bar 40 double unders
  • Friday
    AMRAP 20 MINS 20 / 16 caloriw row 10 devils presses 22.5 / 15 kg 5 ring muscle ups - rest 5 mins - AMRAP 20 MINS 24 wallball shots 9 / 6 kg 15 / 12 calorie Echo bike 24 full KB swings 24 / 16 kg
  • Saturday
    WEIGHTLIFTING A - POWER CLEAN, PAUSED JERK , POWER CLEAN + JERK 10 sets pause for 3 secons in the dip increase weight every set lifting every 2 mins B - TEMPO CLEAN PULLS 5 sets 3 reps 3 seconds tempo to mid thigh 1 rep max clean weight
  • Sunday

This Week

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